05 September 2018

Side Glance With Al Tee – Why You Should Vote For Stuart For Parks Board

 This is a posting from the wonderful ILiveInEastVan site. Please visit them for all the goings on in East Vancouver.

I am one of those cynical types who harbors deep skepticism towards politicians. I have never voted for a major political party’s candidate and often vote Communist or Marxist-Leninist as form of protest. Civically I generally mark an X on my ballot for the fringe and the extreme, be it Jamie Lee Hamilton or Cowboy Bob Ellis. I am telling you this so you’ll know I’m not easily swayed, and therefore genuine when I say you should vote for Stuart Mackinnon for Parks Board.

Mackinnon is a two term Parks Board Commissioner and current Board Chair who is seeking to continue to advance his belief that Vancouver’s parks pitches and pools should be places where citizens play, relax and explore. Places that allow people and nature to exist in balance. Now sure, you could argue that every candidate for Parks Board says that. But not every candidate is:

  • Still a fan of the Canadian Football League.
  • Follows Everton in the English Premier League.
  • Spent seven years teaching at the indigenous community of Nemaska in James Bay, Quebec.
  • Fought off the Vision-ista plans to close the Bloedel Conservatory in 2009.
  • Believes that the city’s parks and community centres gave him a magical childhood that everyone else’s kid should have too.
  • Has close to three decades in teaching, two of those decades as a Vancouver High School teacher. (surely a testament to one’s patience when working with groups).
  • Grew up in a conservative household – his grandfather was an MP in the 40’s and his mother once worked for House Speaker John Fraser – and came away from it with an ability to appreciate while not necessarily agreeing with the other guy’s point of view.
  • Is not out to change the name of Stanley Park or any other park in the city. His Colonial Audit merely seeks to identify places that originally had indigenous names and then let the public decide.
  • Has, unlike many Parks Commissioners before him, no political ambitions. (former Parks Commissioners have gone on to be 4 city councilors, 3 provincial cabinet ministers, 1 city mayor and one Federal MP).
  • Wears a kilt on special occasions.

This Fall’s civic election will feature a lot of first timers (including the mayor) and possibly a lot of one termers (including the mayor). Doesn’t it make sense to retain an experienced commissioner on the Parks Board?  One who not only has the political experience, but also the experience of a true Vancouverite. I’m talking swimming outdoors at public pools like New Brighton, picnicking at beaches like Spanish Banks, and walking the sidelines of pitches like Clinton Park on dreary rainy Saturday mornings. I’m talking Stuart Mackinnon for Parks.

Contributing Writer: Al Tee
(c) 2018 iliveineastvan.com

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