25 July 2016

Commissioner wants Park Board voice heard on moorage-free zone

21 Jul 2016, 24 Hours Vancouver, by MICHAEL MUI, @MUI24HOURS

A Vancouver Park Board commissioner is hoping the city’s parks department will get a say in whether dragon boat racers in the False Creek will get right-of-way when heads butt between racers and moored motorized boats. 

The issue surfaced after a large race was interrupted last month when a motorized vessel veered into the path of racers. 

Vancouver City Hall has already filed a similar motion to discuss with the federal government to consider a moorage free zone in False Creek, with the mayor calling such a move “long overdue.” 

Park Board commissioner Stuart Mackinnon, a dragon boater himself, said the city’s parks division has invested in the docks dragon boaters use, and should get a seat at the table when discussing changes. 

Ultimately, jurisdiction of the waterway rests with the federal government. 

“It’s what, 30 years we’ve been doing dragon boat racing down there, since Expo 86 — it’s amazing that there’s still some people that don’t get it,” Mackinnon said. 

He said that, ideally, during dragon boat racing season, moorages east of Cambie Bridge should be cleared. 

“It’s quite dangerous. The boats swing as the tide turns because of the wind. If they’re in a race course that can be very dangerous to the boats,” Mackinnon said. 

The Park Board motion will be heard on July 25. 

15 July 2016

Arbutus Corridor rail removal completing ahead of schedule

City of Vancouver
Information Bulletin
July 15, 2016

Temporary pathway installation gets under way next week

The removal of train rails and ties from the Arbutus Corridor was substantially completed this week, ahead of schedule. This paves the way for the City to proceed, starting next week, with installation of a temporary asphalt pathway to allow continued use of the space for recreation until construction of the future Arbutus Greenway gets under way.

Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd. (CP) was responsible for all rail removal along the corridor, with the exception of street crossings, as part of the City’s land purchase agreement announced in March 2016. A total of 17 kilometers of rail and 16,000 ties were removed.

The City is responsible for removing the rails at street crossings, work which will be completed at a later date.

The temporary pathway, which will be shared by pedestrians and those riding bikes or on rollerblades, etc. will be installed in sections; the first phase from Fir Street to 41st Avenue is expected to be complete by the end of Summer 2016. The pathway will eventually extend all the way south from 41st Avenue to Marpole. The City will advise residents when the pathway is open for recreation use. Permitted use of the temporary pathway will include walking, cycling, rollerblades and push scooters. No motorized vehicles or scooters will be allowed.

Pathway installation work will take place during City construction hours: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays and holidays. The public is asked to continue to use caution near construction areas, obey all signage and to use extra caution when crossing roadways.

The Arbutus Greenway project office is expected to be fully staffed and operational by the end of summer 2016. Public consultation on the plans for the new public transportation greenway is expected to begin in the fall.

The public can get more information about the plans for the Arbutus Greenway, watch a video tour of the greenway route as it is today, or sign up for email updates by visiting the City’s website: vancouver.ca/arbutus-greenway.
