22 April 2010

How do we de-grow the economy and maintain jobs?

Vancouver De-Growth April 29-May 1

five evenings and afternoons at W2 Storyeum ( 151 West Cordova Street) and OneTwoOne Studios (121 Heatley St)

The evidence is overwhelming that unlimited industrial growth is no longer possible. Our challenge now is to find ways to shrink the overall size of the economy without creating unemployment and poverty.

Please join us in this dialogue that will pave the way to creating a new framework in understanding.

Vancouver De-Growth, examining what a viable economic, social and ecological system will look like:

* Thursday Evening: What's the Economy For, Anyway? 'and The Jevons Paradox film screenings begin our examination of economic values, seeking to expand indicators of economic health beyond conventional measures of gross domestic product and efficiency. Followed by wine and cheese social and self-organized discussions.

* Friday Evening: Why De-Growth is Happening - Rex Weyler, Anita Burke, John de Graaf and Dave Hughes . Presentations and panel discussion will focus on combining economic, social and ecological health. Work-time, GDP and economic alternatives will be discussed.

* Saturday Afternoon: Where Does the Impetus for a De-Growth Movement Come From? Managing Without Growth Video Conference with Peter Victor (keynote speaker at the March 2010 European De-Growth Conference in Barcelona). Panel discussion with Jane Sterk, Anita Burke, Ken Wu to challenge our community leaders to act as change agents, followed by a presentation by Vanessa Timmer on One Earth's UN Project.

* Saturday evening - What Do Our City and Community Look Like with De-Growth? Brian Czech, Mark Anielski, Vanessa Timmer, Dennis Ray, Mike Pennock, Claudia Medina lead a realistic discussion of a vision for our future.

* Sunday afternoon will involve round table discussions hosted by Matt Hern, Rex Weyler and others to further develop critical aspects of community action.

Want more info about de-growth - see the declaration from the 2008 Paris De-Growth Conference.

To register for Vancouver De-Growth go here.

1 comment:

  1. James Lovelock coined the term "sustainable retreat" as the only viable path forward, the antithesis of sustainable growth. In the opinion of this eminent British scientist, creator of the Gaia hypothesis, we urgently need to find ways to live smaller - less consumption in effect.

    I don't know that you can "de-grow" the economy because ours is founded on 18th century concepts premised on growth first and foremost. That economic model is no longer viable but I doubt that we're prepared to accept that.
