I have seen first hand the damage an oil spill can do to our beaches, water, wildlife and ecosystems. I was on the frontlines after the highly toxic oil spill in English Bay in 2015 and I have been speaking out about the dangers ever since. I am relieved not only because the courts have recognized the irresponsible manner with which approval was rammed through, but also because it “recognized that the federal government did not adequately, or meaningfully, consult with Indigenous people.”
It was fitting that today's First Nations response to the Trans Mountain Federal Appeals Court decision was held in a Vancouver park. We all would be severely impacted by an oil spill on the West Coast. Such an occurrence would be devastating, not only for Stanley Park, English Bay, Burrard Inlet and the western beaches, but for our entire coast. Today was a very good day for all Canadians. My sincere thanks to the First Nations for taking this heroic action and proving their case in court.
The Green Party of Vancouver campaign launch party is just over a week away and it is the perfect opportunity to celebrate such a momentous decision but also learn what more can be done. Our campaign team has been working hard to get all 10 of your Green candidates elected in October but they need your help. The first step is showing up. We are kindly asking all our supporters to RSVP for our Launch Party on September 7th as soon as possible so that we can plan accordingly. We have been building momentum and successes rapidly and we want to make sure the green movement continues to build.
I look forward to seeing you September 7th. Until then, thank you for your support.
with Green Park Board Commissioner Michael Wiebe and Squamish Nation Councillor Khelsilem |