30 August 2012

Live in South Vancouver? Take the Fraserlands Community Garden Survey!

A group of neighbours have recently formed the Fraserlands Community Gardening Group with two goals:

1.      To work towards establishing a community garden in our neighbourhood;

2.      To complete reclaiming and beautifying the pedestrian/cycling pathway that runs along Kent Avenue parallel to the train tracks between Kerr and Elliott streets.

In an effort to determine our neighbourhood’s support of a community garden as well as to gain information in applying for grants, the group has developed a short online survey.

Please make the time to take the survey as we want to collect as much information as possible. You can link to it here. The survey will be available until October 15, but we encourage you to take it as soon as possible as it’s easy for these things to get forgotten!

GardenWorks at Mandeville and Chevron Canada have generously donated gift certificates for a prize draw. We will be awarding one prize of a $25 GardenWorks gift card, one prize of a $25 Chevron gift certificate, and one prize of both a $25 Gardenworks gift card and a $25 Chevron gift certificate. You have to take the survey to be eligible for the prize draw.

Please forward this message to all the contacts you have who live in Fraserlands… we really appreciate receiving as much input as possible as this will provide valuable information as we move forward.

Jill Lunde
Member, Fraserlands Community Gardening Group

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