Parks and public spaces advocate Stuart Mackinnon to seek Green endorsement for Park Board
Long time parks and public spaces advocate Stuart Mackinnon will be seeking the Green Party endorsement for Park Board Commissioner in the November civic election. Stuart has been advocating for more responsible management of Vancouver parks and public spaces for many years.
“Parks are the life-blood of any city. We are so blessed to have such beautiful places to play and relax in Vancouver, but our parks are, at best, being neglected and at worse mismanaged,” said Mackinnon.
Stuart has advocated for the proper management of Stanley Park and the return of Hastings Park to the community as a board member of the Hastings Park Conservancy. He has campaigned to keep neighbourhood outdoor pools open and was instrumental in creating a policy for the naming of new parks. Stuart believes that our parks are not only places of recreation but also of quiet reflection in our busy urban landscape, and where children can learn about their natural environment.
Continued Mackinnon, “Parks should be open to all, not just the wealthy and not just for those lucky enough to live near a destination facility. We must re-examine recreation policies to ensure fairness and equal access. We must ensure facilities are available in every neighbourhood. Our parks are the refuges of the city for people and wildlife. We must preserve and promote them as green spaces. Parks and public spaces are for everyone”.
If you would like to help, please join the Green Party of Vancouver today. Send $10 (cheques payable to: Green Party of Vancouver) to 3453 Garden Drive, Vancouver BC V5N 4Y6. Thank you.